Individuals Present: Principal G, Mr. Rich, Mr. Brown, Ms. Harris, Adam, Megan, Rachael, Steph, Krissy
Agenda Items:
Updates from Principal G
Finance report
Bylaw approval
Project updates
New projects
Updates from Principal G
We have supplies available for 1st grade (and others), should think about dates for distribution/supply drive
Talking with Penn about summer learning options - this may also be available through the district
2nd grade and up just completed interim assessments and there is 1 more round before spring break. May need to do PSSAs this year
Budget meetings starting soon - will largely be similar to this year; estimate ~35 fewer students for the upcoming year
Finance report
Total $ Available: $3909.00 (checking) + $162.08 cash
$2170 earmarked for school supplies
Scholastic dollars available: $3,477.55
Approval vote: Bylaws were approved.
Project updates
Recent headphone purchase update and distribution plan: We offered to drop off, but it sounds like the families would prefer to get them from the school. Mr. Brown is willing to be a point person and distribute. We will have ~20 extra sets, can keep at school for those who need them
Family Arcade night winners - 7 winners at $20 each. What options should we offer? Google Play, Apple Store, Target, Amazon
Lea baseball shirt order (Adam)
$11.99 ea. 7-10 day lead time.
Proposed order: S- 8 M-10 L-8 XL 6 XXL- 2 ($407.66)
They shrink a bit when washed. Selling at $15 teacher/staff $20 parent?
How will sales be coordinated/who is responsible
Discount for those going in for hybrid learning?
Monthly contest update
Staff are voting, will close on Friday 2/26
Prize for winners? Art supplies?
New projects
Kindergarten Open House in March
HSA volunteers to serve as moderators and Zoom host: Rachael, Megan, Adam, (Steph can set up the Zoom stuff)
Date/time: Week before spring break - March 25, 7-8pm
Promotion help: Catchment only, fliers w/QR code (Access Centers? Daycares in the catchment)
Supports for Reopening?
Parking for staff
Emmanuel is questionable at this point. West Philly Lofts? West Philly High? Monumental? Garden Court? (Could try for a few here/a few there)
18 people responded to a survey that they don’t have a spot (94% would plan to use it daily)
Steph and Jeremy will talk with their block captain re. Monumental Church contact. Rich will find a contact person at Garden Court. Aaron will go back to West Philly High again. Adam will talk with Jamie Gauthier’s office (maybe getting zones parking permits??).
Powel somehow got designated parking for their teachers right in front of their school. Aaron could ask their principal. Adam can ask some of their HSA people too.
Following up on Supply distribution conversation -
Supply drive committee? Steph, Megan, Rachael, Mr. Brown willing to be on standby at school
Have a stock of basic supplies on hand that folks can pick up if needed
Plan on half (or less) of what each grade band requested
K-2 might have different needs now
Steph will work up a proposed purchase list
We’ll plan to “open the store” by March 15
Other notes: family survey forthcoming, digital resources from library partners to be shared soon
Next meeting: March 24, 2021 at 7pm