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2-24-21 Meeting Notes


Individuals Present: Principal G, Mr. Rich, Mr. Brown, Ms. Harris, Adam, Megan, Rachael, Steph, Krissy

Agenda Items:

  1. Updates from Principal G

  2. Finance report

  3. Bylaw approval

  4. Project updates

  5. New projects


Updates from Principal G

  • We have supplies available for 1st grade (and others), should think about dates for distribution/supply drive

  • Talking with Penn about summer learning options - this may also be available through the district

  • 2nd grade and up just completed interim assessments and there is 1 more round before spring break. May need to do PSSAs this year

  • Budget meetings starting soon - will largely be similar to this year; estimate ~35 fewer students for the upcoming year

Finance report

  • Total $ Available: $3909.00 (checking) + $162.08 cash

  • $2170 earmarked for school supplies

  • Scholastic dollars available: $3,477.55


  • Q&A

  • Approval vote: Bylaws were approved.

Project updates

  • Recent headphone purchase update and distribution plan: We offered to drop off, but it sounds like the families would prefer to get them from the school. Mr. Brown is willing to be a point person and distribute. We will have ~20 extra sets, can keep at school for those who need them

  • Family Arcade night winners - 7 winners at $20 each. What options should we offer? Google Play, Apple Store, Target, Amazon

  • Lea baseball shirt order (Adam)

  • $11.99 ea. 7-10 day lead time.

  • Proposed order: S- 8 M-10 L-8 XL 6 XXL- 2 ($407.66)

  • They shrink a bit when washed. Selling at $15 teacher/staff $20 parent?

  • How will sales be coordinated/who is responsible

  • Discount for those going in for hybrid learning?

  • Monthly contest update

  • Staff are voting, will close on Friday 2/26

  • Prize for winners? Art supplies?

New projects

  • Kindergarten Open House in March

  • HSA volunteers to serve as moderators and Zoom host: Rachael, Megan, Adam, (Steph can set up the Zoom stuff)

  • Date/time: Week before spring break - March 25, 7-8pm

  • Promotion help: Catchment only, fliers w/QR code (Access Centers? Daycares in the catchment)

  • Supports for Reopening?

  • Parking for staff

  • Emmanuel is questionable at this point. West Philly Lofts? West Philly High? Monumental? Garden Court? (Could try for a few here/a few there)

  • 18 people responded to a survey that they don’t have a spot (94% would plan to use it daily)

  • Steph and Jeremy will talk with their block captain re. Monumental Church contact. Rich will find a contact person at Garden Court. Aaron will go back to West Philly High again. Adam will talk with Jamie Gauthier’s office (maybe getting zones parking permits??).

  • Powel somehow got designated parking for their teachers right in front of their school. Aaron could ask their principal. Adam can ask some of their HSA people too.

  • Following up on Supply distribution conversation -

  • Supply drive committee? Steph, Megan, Rachael, Mr. Brown willing to be on standby at school

  • Have a stock of basic supplies on hand that folks can pick up if needed

  • Plan on half (or less) of what each grade band requested

  • K-2 might have different needs now

  • Steph will work up a proposed purchase list

  • We’ll plan to “open the store” by March 15

  • Other notes: family survey forthcoming, digital resources from library partners to be shared soon

  • Next meeting: March 24, 2021 at 7pm



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